AGNT Essentials Decoding Dimensions Material for the course Essentials on Wednesday, March 5th 2 weeks agoAdd Comment Reading Material: [CRing] Subsections 0.4. and 0.5., and [L] Chapters 2 and 4.Exercises: Here is the exercise sheet. These are derived from the book [L]. [CRing] The CRing Project [L] Basic...
Algebraic Geometry Decoding Dimensions Material for the AG class on Wednesday, March 5th 2 weeks agoAdd Comment Reading Material: [AG] Subsection 5.2.1..Exercises: [AG]: 5.2.1 and 5.2.6. [AG] Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves
Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry Material for the DAG class on Wednesday, February 26th 2 weeks agoAdd Comment Reading Material: Learn about Kan extensions (in a category) and [K] Chapter 2. [K] A Modern Introduction to Algebraic Stacks
Algebraic Geometry Decoding Dimensions Material for the AG class on Wednesday, February 26th 3 weeks agoAdd Comment Reading Material: [AG] Subsection 5.1.4..Exercises: [AG]: 5.1.18 – 5.1.33. [AG] Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves
AGNT Essentials Decoding Dimensions Material for the course Essentials on Wednesday, February 26th 3 weeks agoAdd Comment Reading Material: [CRing] Subsections 0.3. and 0.4..Exercises: Here is the exercise sheet. [CRing] The CRing Project
Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry Material for the DAG class on Wednesday, February 19th 3 weeks agoAdd Comment Reading Material: [K] Chapters 0 and 1. [K] A Modern Introduction to Algebraic Stacks
AGNT Essentials Decoding Dimensions Material for the course Essentials on Wednesday, February 19th 3 weeks agoAdd Comment Reading Material: [CRing] Subsections 0.1., 0.2. and 0.3..Exercises: Here is the exercise sheet. [CRing] The CRing Project
Algebraic Geometry Decoding Dimensions Material for the AG class on Wednesday, February 19th 4 weeks agoAdd Comment Reading Material: [AG] Subsections 5.1.3 and 5.1.4. up to Definition 1.26.Exercises: [AG]: 5.1.1 – 5.1.18. [AG] Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves
Algebraic Geometry Decoding Dimensions Material for the AG class on Wednesday, February 12th 1 month agoAdd Comment Reading Material: [AG] Section 5.1. up to subsection 5.1.3.Exercises: [AG]: 5.1.1 – 5.1.5. [AG] Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves