Reading Material: [CRing] Subsections 0.4. and 0.5., and [L] Chapters 2 and 4.
Exercises: Here is the exercise sheet. These are derived from the book [L].
- [CRing] The CRing Project
- [L] Basic Category Theory.
Reading Material: [CRing] Subsections 0.4. and 0.5., and [L] Chapters 2 and 4.
Exercises: Here is the exercise sheet. These are derived from the book [L].
Reading Material: [CRing] Subsections 0.3. and 0.4..
Exercises: Here is the exercise sheet.
Reading Material: [CRing] Subsections 0.1., 0.2. and 0.3..
Exercises: Here is the exercise sheet.