For the seminar on June 10th, we will read up to section 3.4 of chapter 1.
For the class on June 1st, we will read chapters 3 and 4 of [CS].
Note that May 25th is a Holiday and so the next class will be on June 1st.
For the seminar on May 20th, we will read up to section 3 of chapter 1.
For the class on May 18th, we will read chapter 3 of [B].
For the class on May 11th, we will read chapters 1 and 2 of [B].
Starting May 4th, 2020, we will begin our new topic, Abelian varieties. We are going to follow three sources. These are:
- B. Bhatt‘s lecture notes.
- J. Milne‘s lecture notes published as Chapter V of the book Arithmetic Geometry by G. Cornell and J. H. Silverman.
- The book by B. Edixhoven, G. van Der Geer and B. Moonen.
Here is the syllabus of our reading course.
The prerequisites are basic knowledge of algebraic geometry, say chapters 2 and 3 of R. Hartshorne’s Algebraic Geometry book, and basic knowledge of group schemes, say W. Waterhouse’s Affine Group Schemes book (that we just finished in this class).
Because of the Covid-19 situation, our class will be held online. If you would like to actively participate in the class, please send me an email and I will add you to our online meeting group. The class takes place on Monday at 4 pm.