تا آخر فصل اول (صفحه ۳۹).
Students attending my reading course on arithmetic geometry started (after a long pause) their reading group on algebraic geometry. They are reading the book “Algebraic Geometry I, Schemes” by U. Görtz and T. Wedhorn. They meet Wednesdays after our reading course. We have not fixed a time yet. If you need more information, please contact me or one of the participants.
برای جلسه ۱۷ مرداد ۱۳۹۷ صفحات ۳۱-۴۷ (تا سر بخش ۹.۵) را مطالعه خواهیم کرد.
برای جلسه ۱۰ مرداد ۱۳۹۷ صفحات ۱۷-۳۱ (تا سر بخش ۹.۴) را مطالعه خواهیم کرد.
Dr. Sajad Salami from Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil will give the following talk at IPM, on September 23, 2018 (1 Mehr 1397):
Title: On boundedness of the Mordell-Weil rank of certain Jacobian varieties.
Abstract: In this talk, we will speak on conditional boundedness of the Mordell-Weil ranks of the Jacobian varieties associated with a certain family of algebraic curves subject to the Bombieir-Lang’s conjecture on the varieties of general types.
Dr. Sajad Salami from Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil will give the following talk at IPM, on September 22, 2018 (31 Shahrivar 1397):
Title: The rational points of certain Abelian varieties over function fields
Abstract: In this talk, we consider the set of rational points on Abelian varieties over function fields that arise as twists of Abelian varieties by cyclic covers of irreducible quasi-projective varieties. In terms of Prym varieties associated with the cyclic covers, we demonstrate a structure theorem on their Mordell-Weil group. Our results give an explicit method to construct elliptic curves, hyper- and super-elliptic Jacobians that have large ranks over function fields of certain varieties.
Dr. Sajad Salami from Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil will give the following talk at IPM, on August 11, 2018 (20 Mordaad 1397):
Title: The rational points on the algebraic curves
Abstract: In this Talk, we will give an introduction to the study of rational points on algebraic curves and
the motive and importance of the study on the elliptic curves.
Dr. Sajad Salami from Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil will give a mini-course on “Elliptic curves: arithmetic and computations“. There will be a total of 10 lectures given on six days. Here are the details (each item is 2 lectures):
- Basics of elliptic curves over perfect fields
- Elliptic curves over finite fields and applications
- Heights and Mordell-Weil theorem
- The ranks and the birch and Swinerton-Dyer conjecture
- Computations on elliptic curves with Pari/GP and SAGE
Classes will take place on 20-22 Mordaad (11-13 August 2018) and 5-7 Shahrivar 1397 (27-29 August 2018).
For our next class (3 Mordad 1397) we will read pages 1-16 (up to section 9.2) of Number Theory 3.
The course will take place (as before) on Wednesdays at IPM, Lecture Hall 1, from 10 to 12.